College of Photonics, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University

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Faculty Positions Opening


Faculty Positions Opening


The College of Photonics at the National Chiao Tung University invites applications for tenure-track faculty positions at all levels in Tainan Campus. We are seeking highly qualified candidates committed to a career in teaching and research in the areas of optics and photonic systems, novel laser systems and applications, optical metrology, sensing, imaging, optical information processing, storage, and displays using non-traditional technologies, solar energy systems, green energy technology and systems, optical systems for bio-medical and agriculture, optical designs and system integration.

Applicants are encouraged to apply by December 31, 2016, but applications will be accepted continuously until the positions are filled.


Instructions for Applicants

1.     Website:

2.     Submit the following Documents (e-mail is preferable):

²Filled Application form;

²Curriculum vita; includes research statement, teaching statement,   and key publications

²3 reference letters

3.     Contact person:

Professor Ken Y. Hsu or

Ms. Lingching Chen (陳伶青小姐)

Faculty Search Committee

College of Photonics

No. 301, Gaofa 3rd Road., Guiren District

Tainan City 71150


File Download

Application Form(ENGLISH)(DOC,ODT)
