College of Photonics, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University

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Tenure-track Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor

Tenure-track Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor

The College of Photonics at the National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University invites applications for tenure-track faculty positions in Tainan Campus. We are seeking highly qualified candidates committed to a career in teaching and research in areas preferably electronic circuit and system, intelligent photonics, smart green energy, smart grid, smart lighting, and intelligent image display. Candidates are expected to offer courses, such as, Electro-Optics, Optical Electronics, and Photonics Laboratory.

Applications will be accepted continuously until the positions are filled.

Instructions for Applicants

Submit the following documents (e-mail is preferable):

ž  Filled Application Form;

ž  Curriculum vitae; including research statement, teaching statement,  and key publications

ž  3 reference letters

ž  Transcripts of university or above

ž  Copy of diploma

Contact person:

Ms. Ling-Ching Chen (陳伶青小姐

Faculty Search Committee

College of Photonics, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung UniversityNo. 301, Sec. 2, Gaofa 3rd Road, Guiren District, Tainan City 711010, Taiwan

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Application Form(ODT)
