College of Photonics, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University

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Thesis Advisee/RA Positions


AllFaculty with Recommendation QuotaFaculty with Entrance Exam Quota

  • 劉佳明
  • Title:
    Chair Professor
  • Field:
    Nonlinear optics, ultrafast optics, semiconductor lasers, photonic devices, optical wave propagation, nonlinear laser dynamics, chaotic communications, chaotic radar, nanophotonic imaging, and biophotonics

  • 胡博琛
  • Title:
    Associate Professor
  • Field:
    Imaging systems of biomedical application,micro/nano opto-electro-mechanical systems, ultrafast optics, zebrafish modeling of biomedical problems.

  • 葉士青
  • Title:
    Professor &Director
  • Field:
    Metaverse (VR/AR/MR), Wearable Sensing, Machine Learning, Internet of Things, Neuro-Rehabilitation

  • 盧志文
  • Title:
  • Field:
    Analog/Mixed-Signal Integrated Circuit Design

  • 曾維宣
  • Title:
    Associate Professor
  • Field:
    Graphene-related 2D materials, confocal microscopy analysis, organic solar cells, energy storage devices, interfacial physics, and photoemission spectroscopy

  • 崔容滿
  • Title:
  • Field:
    Semiconducting materials, Advanced nanotechnology, Green nanophotonics

  • 尤信介
  • Title:
    Assoc. Prof., Acting Director
  • Field:
    1.Nano-Photonics Materials 2.Semiconductor Laser 3.Organic Optoelectronic Devices 4.Novel Nonvolatile Memory Devices

  • 藍宇彬
  • Title:
    Associate Professor
  • Field:
    Solid-state laser technique、Spatial modes of laser、Laser system design、Optical design and measurements、Circuit and mechanical design

  • 陳顯禎
  • Title:
    Distinguished Professor
  • Field:
    Electro-Optical Signal Processing, Optronic Systems Integration, & Biophotonics System.

  • 陳怡君
  • Title:
    Assistant Professor
  • Field:
    Dr. Chen has had extensive research experiences in the field of biophotonics. She has developed novel microscopy and imaging processing methods, to study important biomedical subjects, including: cancer cell metastasis, single particle tracking , cell rheology, and molecular kinetics of NPQ pathways in photosynthesis. She is also skilled in nano fabrication and metrology techniques for surface plasmon nano devices. She is now focused on developing advanced fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy, miniaturized optoelectronic devices, and quantitative imaging analysis methods, with the goals to measure fast and dynamic physiology signals.

  • 詹明哲
  • Title:
  • Field:

  • 林伯昰
  • Title:
    Distinguished Professor
  • Field:
    Biomedical electronics, Biomedical sensing technique, Biophotonics, Image and signal processing, Embedded system design

  • 鄭協昌
  • Title:
  • Field:
    Liquid crystal devices; Liquid crystal physics; flexible displays; laser spectroscopy; Optoelectronic Tweezers

  • 李偉
  • Title:
    Distinguished Professor
  • Field:
    Liquid-crystal photonics; Liquid crystal physics; Photonic crystals; Dielectric spectroscopy; Vacuum UV-to-microwave spectroscopy

  • 謝建文
  • Title:
    Associate Professor
  • Field:
    Organic Electronics One-Dimensional Nanomaterials and Nanodevices Large-Area Assembly Technology NEMS/MEMS Materials and Manufacture

  • 楊勝雄
  • Title:
  • Field:
    [1] Organic and polymer chemistry [2] Metal oxides nanostructures [3] Organic/inorganic hybrid optoelectronics [4] Perovskite materials and optoelectronic devices

  • 蘇海清
  • Title:
  • Field:
    Organic light-emitting materials, power-effective organic light-emitting devices, white organic light-emitting devices for solid-state lighting

  • 郭政煌
  • Title:
  • Field:
    Epitaxy of semiconductor materials, Light Emitting Diode(LED),Solid state lighting

  • 潘瑞文
  • Title:
  • Field:
    Optical design, Optical detection, Optical simulation

  • 楊斯博
  • Title:
  • Field:
    nanophotonics, nanofabrication, semiconductor optics